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In theory there’s no difference between theory and practice, but in practice there is. –Yogi Berra


Howard Marks 在“投资最重要的事”(The Most Important Thing Illuminated)一书中对此有一些很精辟的讨论。原文和翻译如下:

Second- level thinkers know that, to achieve superior results, they have to have an edge in either information or analysis, or both. They are on the alert for instances of misperception.


Inefficient markets do not necessarily give their participants generous returns. Rather, it’s my view that they provide the raw material— mispricings—that can allow some people to win and others to lose on the basis of differential skill. If prices can be very wrong, that means it’s possible to find bargains or overpay. For every person who gets a good buy in an inefficient market, someone else sells too cheap. One of the great sayings about poker is that “in every game there’s a fish. If you’ve played for 45 minutes and haven’t figured out who the fish is, then it’s you.” The same is certainly true of inefficient market investing.



That alone is not a sufficient condition for outperformance. All that means is that prices aren’t always fair and mistakes are occurring: some assets are priced too low and some too high. You still have to be more insightful than others in order to regularly buy more of the former than the latter. Many of the best bargains at any point in time are found among the things other investors can’t or won’t do. Let others believe markets can never be beat. Abstention on the part of those who won’t venture in creates opportunities for those who will.



The key turning point in my investment management career came when I concluded that because the notion of market efficiency has relevance, I should limit my efforts to relatively inefficient markets where hard work and skill would pay off best. Theory informed that decision and prevented me from wasting my time in the mainstream markets, but it took an understanding of the limits of the theory to keep me from completely accepting the arguments against active management.






首先,巴菲特是怎么看待套利的呢?“Our insurance subsidiaries sometimes engage in arbitrage as an alternative to holding short-term cash equivalent. We prefer, of source, to make major long-term commitment, but we often have more cash than good ideas. At such times, arbitrage sometimes promises much greater returns than treasury bills and, equally important, cools any temptation we may have to relax our standards for long-term investments.” 他说得很清楚,巴菲特更喜欢好的长期投资机会。但是因为Berkshire公司里常常有多余的现金,所以他也参与一些套利来作为短期现金管理的工具,因为套利往往会提供比国债高得多的回报,而且也防止他经不住诱惑放松长期投资的标准。巴菲特是把套利当作一个短期现金的替代物看待的。


其次,巴菲特是如何评估套利机会的呢?“To evaluate arbitrage situations you must answer four questions: (1) How likely is it that the promised event will indeed occur? (2) How long will your money be tied up? (3) What chance is there that something still better will transpire – a competing takeover bid, for example? And (4) What will happen if the event does not take place because of anti-trust action, financing glitches, etc.?” 要评估套利的形势,你必须回答四个问题: 1)宣布(指望发生的)事件实际发生的可能性有多大?(2)你的资金会被占用多久?(3)有多大可能更好的结果会出现比如另外一个收购出价?(4)如果你所期望的事件没有发生,会有什么结果?比如因为反垄断或者融资出现问题。



·         First, we participate in only a few, and usually very large transactions each year. 首先,我们每年只参与几个通常很大的交易。这个是由巴菲特的资金量和投资侧重点决定的。

·         The other way we differ from some arbitrage operations is that we participate only in transactions that have been publicly announced. We do not trade on rumors or try to guess takeover candidates. We just read the newspapers, think about a few of the big propositions, and go by our own sense of probabilities. 另外一点我们与其他套利行为不同的是我们只参与公开宣布过的交易。我们不会根据谣言做交易,也不会试图去猜测被收购对象。我们只是读新闻,考虑一些大的(收购)提议,根据我们对概率的判断做决定。这一点其实是很值得我们思考。巴菲特这么说其实不仅是基于道德或法律准则,更是从商业判断上出发。首先,未经宣布的收购要约达成的概率要小很多,谈判过程中出现的各种状况都会造成交易的失败。从这一点上说,宣布的交易达成的可能性要大很多。其二,公开的要约才能有具体的条款供套利投资人计算风险和收益的概率。对于巴菲特而言,套利不是投机,是否套利是基于条件概率的判断。










20篇文章 1年前更新

美股投资人,Ph.D., CFA
